When designing a bathroom or powder room, selecting the perfect washstand helps to set the tone! Washstands come in all shapes and sizes, and can add a serene yet sophisticated element to your interior. From washstands crafted from beautiful slabs of marble to brass washstands which stand freely, there are so many to choose from; here are washstands that caught my eye.
The Men’s Room

Etoile Metal Round Two Leg Single Washstand, Waterworks
When selecting pieces to include in a bachelor pad’s bathroom, sleek and simple is key. The Etoile Metal Round Two Leg Metal Washstand from Waterworks is easily customizable and aesthetically on-point. Because the slab countertop and sink are sold separately, you can select each detail to create a wonderful custom piece.
His & Hers

La Salle Metal-Wrapped Double Washstand, Restoration Hardware
Washstands set side by side are the perfect solution for a busy couple. Restoration Hardware’s La Salle Metal Wrapped Double Washstand is a culmination of industrial aesthetic and clean Parsons table proportions. My favorite part? The warm patina grows richer over time!
Beach House Bathroom Design

via decorpad.com
Repurposed wood paneling adds texture behind this sleek white washstand. When selecting materials for your washstand, think about the longevity of your design. In a beach house setting, simplicity helps to maintain a romantic getaway vibe.
Washstand Storage

via restorationhardware.com
Accessibility to fresh towels is key in designing the perfect guest bathroom. This washstand’s storage is spacious without being sloppy; creative organization is smart only if it appears effortless and polished.

via cottages-gardens.com
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