by camidesigns | Jun 20, 2014 | Decorating, Design, Interior Design
Floor Lamps not only provide light they create height, and visual interest in a room! Choosing a piece that melds well into your room’s design plan is an opportunity to add a practical statement piece you can admire. Here are a few fun and functional pieces to...
by camidesigns | Jun 13, 2014 | Decorating, Design, Entertaining, fashion, Inspired Color, Inspired Colors, Interior Design, Travel
We are taking a trip, and the destination is inspiration! Revive your designs and refresh your mind by taking a relaxing daytrip to a new place! Here are my top four places to find inspiration in New England. 4. Innersleeve Records, Amagansett, New York Never...
by camidesigns | Jun 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Welcome to Social Tuna. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
by camidesigns | Jun 6, 2014 | Beach Houses, Decorating, Design, Interior Design
Dreamy night tables are essential to a bedroom! Both handy and necessary, night tables are a great tool for keeping your personal items organized, out of sight, and within arms reach. My list of top six night tables range from classic and contemporary to whimsical...
by camidesigns | May 30, 2014 | Decorating, Design, Inspired Color, Inspired Colors, Interior Design, News
The Michael Dawkins Showroom in NYC has been the talk of the design community. Recently, I was invited to a private breakfast hosted and sponsored by Luxe Magazine, celebrating the opening of the Michael Dawkins Showroom in New York City! New York City is one of two...